Meet Our Team: A recovery resource since 1949

Our treatment team of addiction professionals is comprised of registered, certified, and licensed counselors and therapists, along with consulting physicians and psychiatrists.

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Lisa Kidd
Chief Executive Officer

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Nancy O’Neil
Clinical Director
Tamara Cramer - Clinical Supervisor

Tamara Cramer
Clinical Supervisor

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Jessica Engelstad
Admissions Manager

Nancy Noleen - Managed Care Director

Nancy Noleen
Managed Care Director

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Brianna Cruz
Executive Assistant

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Dayna Soldavini
Billing Specialist

 In addition to their high level of training and experience in the addiction field, it helps our clients to know that many of our staff members maintain successful, active recovery in their own lives, many with several decades of abstinence from drugs and alcohol.

Mountain Vista Farm is revered in recovery circles as a compassionate treatment program that works, and considered by many professionals to be the premier addiction treatment facility in Northern California. Mountain Vista Farm is nationally accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) and licensed by the California Department of Healthcare Services (DCHS).