Treatment Options
The programs at Mountain Vista Farm offer residential care for treating alcohol and drug addiction.
In each of our programs, you will find these vital elements:
- A genuine respect for our clients.
- A caring, competent professional staff, who understand alcohol and drug addiction through specialized training and through personal recovery.
- A clear, practical and useful counseling and educational program designed to impart recovery skills.
- Group, individual, and family counseling based on a respectful stance. Mountain Vista Farm does not use older-style “confrontation” techniques. We work to make this a safe place where clients are comfortable in looking honestly at their lives.
The Residential Care Program offers instruction and practice in:
- Using important community supports through our Family Program
- Acquiring skills in Relapse Prevention Training
- Concern and support for the family through education, group counseling and family counseling sessions.
- A clear focus on building effective continuing support after initial treatment is completed.
Residential Care
The residential treatment program at Mountain Vista Farm has been in continuous operation for over 50 years. Our licensed and accredited live-in program offers the sturdiest support for the early days of recovery from alcohol or drug addiction, when the urge to return to alcohol or drugs may be strong.
- Detoxification: The supervised detoxification program provides a safe withdrawal experience for those clients who require detox.
- Rehabilitation: The highly structured rehabilitation program is designed to address the whole person-body, mind, and spirit and to prepare clients for a life free of the bondage of active addiction.
Family Program
Clients’ families are encouraged to participate fully in our weekly Family Program, which includes a lecture series, introduction to community supports for families and a confidential process group.
Continuing Care Program
Aftercare Groups: At the completion of treatment, whether in residential treatment or in an outpatient program, clients are eligible to attend Mountain Vista Farm’s continuing care groups for up to two years.
Please take a moment to learn about Mountain Vista Farm’s team or contact us if you are ready for personal and confidential care.